Zakeia's Thoughts

The special thing about a sustainable business is the vision behind it. We Interviewed Sara Saad, Founder and CEO of Zakeia about the development of Zakeia and her thoughts on the fashion industry.
The fabric inspires the designs. It is different designing with up-cycled materials, as you do not really know much in advance what you will find. There is always a flux of new fabrics and often times I can buy a fabric because of its beauty with no inspiration whatsoever. It can sit on the shelf for a few months but then suddenly the inspiration kicks in.
Zakeia pieces are timeless, they are not trend driven. For sure we keep up with upcoming trends however, the philosophy of the Zakeia garments is to be passed over.
As you know trends are created to sell more garments create urgency to buy to be “trendy” or “fit the trend”. This is against our entire concept.
We don’t want to create garments that will be worn for a season and then tossed away, on the contrary we want people to re-wear and re-style our garments for the longest time possible.
A lot of things, it is devastating to hear that SHEIN was the most popular brand for 2022.
That people are still shopping at fast fashion brands and not changing their consumer behaviour.
Government legislations are very slow in terms of taking action against these huge fast fashion brands, so it is up to the people now to take action.
There are so many beautiful sustainable brand alternatives. However, sustainable brands are perceived as overpriced and unaffordable.
People need to understand that a garment from a slow / sustainable fashion brand is made to last. So technically it is cheaper in the long run. Furthermore, fast fashion brands don’t pay fair wages, use cheap materials hence gave people the perception that fashion should be cheap.
The environmental and social impact are however very very expensive and other people are paying for it.
For Zakeia, it is the fit, the craftsmanship and the quality of fabric.
Patience, changing people’s behaviour does not happen overnight.
Our plan is to grow horizontally and not vertically, we are starting to tap into accessories. We sold out our make-up bags before launching them on our website in a pop-up. So we want to explore more into that direction.
most of the fabric is from Hermes.
Floral, navy. I got a couch in the exact same navy color of Zakeia, unfortunately there is not a lot of navy dead-stock fabric. Navy is such a chic and subtle color and it goes with everything.
(1) Patience
(2) It is a people’s business, our garments are made from people for people, so managing the team and understanding the end consumer
(3) Not everyone blows up overnight / with social media you hear a lot of stories of small businesses blowing up overnight - in reality each business has a different pace and that is okay
(4) There is always room for improvement - admitting that you / the business are not perfect and there are always ways you can improve
There are so many beautiful sustainable brands out there, I would say do your research. Think of a new garment as an investment. It is a piece that you want to be re-wearing over and over again. It is a piece that reflects not only your style but also your values.
Ich bin begeistert von der Idee!!! Traf Sara auf der Veranstaltung von Sanus Green Day in Frankfurt. Sehr sympathische junge Frau!
Wunderschöne Stoffe, hervorragend verarbeitet. Habe schon bestellt und freue mich auf die Kleidungsstücke!
Alles Gute!!!
I loved reading your interview and learning more about sustainability. I’ve already been a fan of your products and really appreciate all the work you put into every piece you make.
I’ve always been a fan of your store and after reading your interview, I have an even greater appreciation for the care and attention that goes into everything you do. Your commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and empowering women is truly inspiring, and I’m so glad to see a brand like yours making a difference in the world. Your passion and hard work are truly inspiring. Keep up the amazing work!
It’s awesome to see a brand that not only offers high-quality and unique products but also cares about making a difference in the world. Keep up the amazing work, and I can’t wait to see all the awesome things that Zakeia will accomplish in the future!
My favorite brand! Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see you change the world one clothing item at a time.